Reality and Future of Unconventional and Renewable Energy Sources in International Energy Markets


  • Ahmed Jassim alyasiri Department of Economics, Faculty of Administration and Economics, University of Kufa, Najaf, Iraq


    The conventional energy sources deliver a great deal of safety in meeting international energy needs, but with natural depletion of reserves and increasing consumption on an ongoing basis as world population grows and many variables change, doubts are being raised about the adequacy of these sources to meet the world's energy needs at the time In addition, the world has begun to pay attention to the phenomenon of climate change, which is caused by the polluting emissions of the environment resulting from the end use of conventional energy sources, as well as the concern for the pollution of the environment in general, and in light of the depletion of resources less Energy sources and their effects on the environment necessitated the search for other sources of energy for the purpose of ensuring the supply and continuity of supplies. Consequently, renewable sources of energy have emerged as inexhaustible and widely available sources on the planet, and the energy generated by them is clean energy. In the extraction of oil and natural gas from unconventional sources and in the light of their large proven and technically recoverable reserves, these sources have been exported with renewable sources in the international energy supply mix to take an active role in the structure of the energy balance.



How to Cite

alyasiri, A. J. . (2023). Reality and Future of Unconventional and Renewable Energy Sources in International Energy Markets. Akkad Journal Of Contemporary Economic Studies, 3(4), 376–398. Retrieved from